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Example Questions
Example Question #151 : War And Civil Conflict
Following his many wars for the independence of several South American Nations, what political office did José de San Martín take?
President of Peru
President of Argentina
Senator in Argentina
President of Chile
President of Peru
Following the end of his military campaigns San Martin settled into the business of ruling in peacetime. As Chile and Argentina were already established nations given the length of time that had passed since their independence he felt they did not need his leadership. Therefore, he stayed in newly conquered Peru to rule the nation as its Protector and its new President.
Example Question #152 : War And Civil Conflict
Following the invasion of Portugal by France in , to what colony did the Portuguese royal family flee and set up a new royal court?
In advance of the invasion of Portugal by France, the royal family fled to its primary colony of Brazil. The Royal family under King Joao VI stayed in their new home of Rio de Janeiro until when Joao VI left to return to the throne in Portugal.
Example Question #153 : War And Civil Conflict
Following his successful campaigns for the independence of Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador, what nation did Simon Bolivar fuse these three regions into?
Nueva Granada
Confederación Granadina
Gran Colombia
Gran Colombia
Bolivar decided the best way to maintain order following the independence of these three nations was to fuse them into one Gran Colombia. This was with the intention of keeping the government under his watchful eye so as to avoid the region from falling into chaos due to the power vacuum left by the Spanish.
Example Question #154 : War And Civil Conflict
What position did Simon Bolivar take up in the newly founded Gran Colombian government?
Military Commander
Military Dictator
Bolivar would take the position of President of Gran Colombia in 1819 and he would hold onto power until 1830. By the end of his time in office he had grown more conservative and had essentially become a military dictator. He was forced from power in that year and he intended to go into exile in Europe, but died of TB before he could.
Example Question #1425 : Ap World History
Where was the first Latin American revolution?
While most Latin American Countries did not launch battles for independence until the late 19th/early 20th centuries, the Haitian Revolution was fought in the late 1700s, ending in 1804.
Example Question #155 : War And Civil Conflict
In the late 1800's European anarchists attempted to end government influence over the people, how did they go about attempting this?
Boycotting political the process
Violent uprisings
Seceding from nations
Anarchists were small groups that could not gather the support for a full scale uprising. So they went about attempting to destroy the government by killing the people who ran it. They did this by shooting and bombing many leaders across Europe in an attempt to cause governments to crumble due to the loss of the leaders needed to run governments. It did not work, and ultimately backfired as these acts brought the ire of the government who sought revenge for the killings.
Example Question #156 : War And Civil Conflict
Sepoys were soldiers forced to fight for the British in which colony?
The United States
South Africa
Sepoys were Indian soliders recruited to fight for the British colonial government and the British East India Company. The British officers forced the Sepoys to partake in practices that were prohibited by both the Hindu and Muslim faith, causing bitterness and eventual rebellion.
Example Question #157 : War And Civil Conflict
The Mfecane was a chaotic and violent period of South African history in which _________________.
fighting surged between tribalists and South African nationalists in the run up Mandela's election
attacks on symbols of apartheid became commonplace
the Zulu king Shaka created a large, powerful, militaristic kingdom that crushed its enemies
the Afrikaners, Dutch settlers, ethnically cleansed the land of Black Africans
the Debeers company was able to link South Africa's diamond mines with the global supply chain
the Zulu king Shaka created a large, powerful, militaristic kingdom that crushed its enemies
The Mfecane was a violent and chaotic period directly relating to King Shaka's military domination of his enemies.
The Mfecane occurred before Afrikaner settlement, but inadvertently aided the Europeans in their settling and colonizing of South Africa by destroying much of the indigenous population.
The Mfecane occurred over a century before Apartheid became the state policy of South Africa.
Fighting between South African nationalists and tribalists occurred during the 1990s, the Mfecane occurred in the early 1800s.
The Debeers company was eventually able to sell South African diamonds globally, but only a century after the Mfecane.
Example Question #35 : War And Civil Conflict 1750 To 1900
Where was Napoleon defeated in 1815?
Waterloo is where Napoleon suffered his greatest defeat, which ultimately led to his removal from power and his exile to St. Helena.
Example Question #33 : War And Civil Conflict 1750 To 1900
The Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895) was primarily fought __________.
between Britain and France on one side, and China and Japan on the other
in Japanese territory and led to Chinese control of the Japanese islands
in Chinese territory and led to the overthrow of the Chinese emperor
between Japan and China on one side, and Russia and on the other
for control over the Korean peninsula
for control over the Korean peninsula
The Sino-Japanese War was fought between China and Japan from 1894 - 1895. It was primarily fought for control over the Korean peninsula and ended in absolute victory for the Japanese after the Qing government sued for peace. It can be considered a prelude to the subsequent invasion of mainland China by the Japanese a few decades later.
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