GRE Math : Permutation / Combination

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Example Questions

Example Question #11 : Permutation / Combination

In how many different orders can 8 players sit on the basketball bench?

Possible Answers:
Correct answer: 40,320

Using the Fundamental Counting Principle, there would be 8 choices for the first player, 7 choices for the second player, 6 for the third, 5 for the fourth, and so on.  Thus, 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 or 8! = 40, 320.

Example Question #12 : Permutation / Combination

There are 300 people at a networking meeting.  How many different handshakes are possible among this group?

Possible Answers:





None of the other answers

Correct answer:



Since the order of persons shaking hands does not matter, this is a case of computing combinations.  (i.e. It is the same thing for person 1 to shake hands with person 2 as it is for person 2 to shake hands with person 1.)

According to our combinations formula, we have:

300! / ((300-2)! * 2!) = 300! / (298! * 2) = 300 * 299 / 2 = 150 * 299 = 44,850 different handshakes

Example Question #13 : Permutation / Combination

What is the number of possible 4-letter words that can be made from the 26 letters in the alphabet, where all 4 letters must be different?  

Assume non-sensical words count, i.e. "dnts" would count as a 4-letter word for our purposes. 

Possible Answers:






Correct answer:



This is a permutation of 26 letters taken 4 at a time.  To compute this we multiply 26 * 25 * 24 * 23 = 358,800.

Example Question #14 : Permutation / Combination

10 people want to sit on a bench, but the bench only has 4 seats.  How many arrangements are possible?

Possible Answers:






Correct answer:



The first seat can be filled in 10 ways, the second in 9 ways, the third in 8 ways, and the fourth in 7 ways.  So the number of arrangements = 10 * 9 * 8 * 7 = 5040.

Example Question #15 : Permutation / Combination

There are 16 members of a club. 4 will be selected to leadership positions. How many combinations of leaders are possible?

Possible Answers:






Correct answer:



With permutations and combinations, you have to know if the order people are selected matters or not. If not, like in this case, you must take the number of people and positions available: \dpi{100} \small 16 \times 15 \times \times 14 \times 13 and divide by number of spots open \dpi{100} \small 4 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1 = 1820

Example Question #16 : Permutation / Combination

A restaurant serves its steak entree cooked rare, medium, or well done. The customer has the choice of  salad or soup, with one of two salads or one of 4 soups. The customer also chooses between one of three soft drinks as well as water or milk. How many unique variations are there to the entire steak dinner of

steak + soup/salad + drink?

Possible Answers:

\dpi{100} \small 90

\dpi{100} \small 72

\dpi{100} \small 60

\dpi{100} \small 75

\dpi{100} \small 64

Correct answer:

\dpi{100} \small 90


The customer has 3 choices on meat, 6 choices on side, and 5 choices on drink. This gives a total of \dpi{100} \small 3 \times 5\times 6=90 choices for the meal.

Example Question #17 : Permutation / Combination

From a group of 8 students, 3 are attending a meeting.

Quantity A: The number of different groups that could attend among the 8 students

Quantity B: 336

Possible Answers:

The two quantities are equal.

The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Quantity B is greater.

Quantity A is greater.

Correct answer:

Quantity B is greater.


To solve this problem, you would need to utilize the combination formula, which is \dpi{100} \small C=\frac{n!}{r!(n-r!)}.

\dpi{100} \small C is the number of possibilities, \dpi{100} \small n is the number of students, and \dpi{100} \small r is the students attending the meeting. Thus, \dpi{100} \small \frac{8!}{3!5!}=56.

336 would be the result of computing the permutation, which would be incorrect in this case.

Example Question #12 : How To Find The Greatest Or Least Number Of Combinations

Michael owns 10 paintings. Michael would like to hang a single painting in each of five different rooms. How many different ways are there for Michael to hang 5 of his 10 paintings?

Possible Answers:

\dpi{100} \small 5040

\dpi{100} \small 50

\dpi{100} \small 30,240

\dpi{100} \small 100,000

\dpi{100} \small 10

Correct answer:

\dpi{100} \small 30,240


This problem involves the permutation of 10 items across 5 slots. The first slot (room) can have 10 different paintings, the second slot can have 9 (one is already in the first room), the third slot can have 8 and so on. The number of possibilities is obtained by multiplying the number of possible options in each of the 5 slots together, which here is \dpi{100} \small 10\times 9\times 8\times 7\times 6=30,240.

Example Question #18 : Permutation / Combination

How many different committees of 3 people can be formed from a group of 7 people? 

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


There are \dpi{100} \small 7\times 6\times 5=210 different permutations of 3 people from a group of seven (when order matters). There are \dpi{100} \small 3\times 2=6 possible ways to arrange 3 people. Thus when order doesn't matter, there can be \dpi{100} \small \frac{210}{6}=35 different committees formed. 

Example Question #19 : Permutation / Combination

A restaurant has a meal special that allows you to choose one of three salads, one of five sandwiches, and two of fifteen side dishes.  How many possible combinations are there for the meal?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


Although this is a permutation style problem, we have to be careful regarding the last portion (i.e. the side dishes).  We know that our meal will have:

(3 possible salads) * (5 possible sandwiches) * (x possible combinations of side dishes).

We must ascertain how many side dishes can be selected.  Now, it does not matter what order we put together the side dishes, so we have to use the combinations formula:

c(n,r) = (n!) / ((n-r)! * (r!))

Plugging in, we get: c(15,2) = 15! / (13! * 2!) = 15 * 14 / 2 = 15 * 7 = 105

Using this in the equation above, we get: 3 * 5 * 105 = 1575

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