What is the STEAM Movement?

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In recent years, there has been an increasing focus on STEM subjects – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. This emphasis is accompanied with the belief that these four subjects should be prioritized in education to match rapid growth in these fields in the industry. Here are 4 benefits of STEM studies. There is evidence to show that while jobs in these areas are increasing, there are not enough individuals with sufficient education to meet the workplace demand. In fact, studies have shown that the United States has fallen behind in both interest and education in these areas. Thus, STEM programs have been receiving support at both the national and state level in order to increase student interest and success. 

What is STEAM?

With innovation in mind, some educators are calling for an integration of the arts back into the curriculum. This movement changes STEM to STEAM, by adding a critical piece left out of the STEM subjects: Art. The STEAM movement seeks to add Art and Design as another education area that should be focused on, with the idea that innovation and creative thinking are gained by uniting art and design with science and technology. Here are some great reasons why the arts are crucial to education.

Why should STEAM be implemented?

While the arts may seem quite distinct from science and technology, proponents of the STEAM movement maintain that the two can, and should, be integrated. For one, they state that in our media-saturated culture, integrating the arts (specifically visual and media arts) will make STEM subjects more appealing to younger generations, thus sparking increased interest in these fields. Additionally, art and design are important, although sometimes overlooked, areas of expertise, especially in the field of technology.

Even employers who are hiring students in traditional STEM fields can benefit from the STEAM movement – and the addition of arts and design to the fields of science and technology. Several recent studies have shown that up to 95% of employers want to hire individuals who are innovative. Additionally, similar studies have shown that around 85% of employers are actively seeking creative people to hire, yet struggling to find them. 

Advocates of the STEAM movement believe that the arts lead to creativity, and that creativity in turn leads to innovation. Hence, by teaching students the arts and integrating art and design into the fields of science, students of technology, engineering, and mathematics can become more innovative thinkers within those fields. According to this program, the alliance of Art with STEM will help students become more creative, increase their employability, and be successful in needed industries.