COVID-19 Updates: List of Standardized Test Changes (Current as of March 20, 2020)

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With COVID-19 precautions forcing the cancellation and postponement of large gatherings of people, standardized tests like the ACT and SAT are finding themselves in similar situations to the NCAA Tournament and Coachella, weighing decisions to postpone or cancel certain test administrations in the name of public safety. And like most airlines and cruises, most testing agencies are relaxing their cancellation and rescheduling policies so that those concerned about coronavirus have the option to postpone their tests, penalty-free.

Wondering what’s happening with a standardized test that you’re planning to take this spring?  Here are the latest test-by-test updates, along with links to the official test websites containing the most up-to-date information. Check back here for periodic updates as news unfolds.


The most recent SAT test date (March 14) was cancelled nationwide in several countries heavily affected by COVID-19, including China, Italy, and South Korea—as well as in many U.S. cities and states with high coronavirus rates or mandatory school closures. This webpage has the official College Board word on future administrations, and there is a second page where you can view all test centers that are experiencing cancellations or location changes and make-ups. To best determine what is happening with your chosen test center for the May exam date, log in to your College Board account.

UPDATE: As of March 16, 2020, the May 2, 2020 SAT has been cancelled. All make-up test dates for the March 14 administration have also been cancelled. 


As of Monday, March 16, the official word from the ACT is that it is monitoring the situation and releasing updates as it has them. The COVID-19 FAQ page for test coordinators provides more details on the processes ACT is using to determine how to proceed in each region. Expect to check back frequently for updates in the days before your test.

UPDATE: As of March 20, 2020, the April 4 ACT has been rescheduled for June 13.


Partial GRE test site closures exist in a number of countries, including Canada and the U.S. A full list is available on the official ETS website. You will be notified by email and in your GRE account if your exam is postponed.

UPDATE: As of March 20, 2020, all rescheduling fees for the GRE are waived.


The late March LSAT is cancelled as of March 16, 2020. For more information, visit the official LSAT webpage dedicated to coronavirus-related information.


MCAT test delivery is currently suspended in a number of countries, with the March 27 and April 4 MCATs cancelled globally. Information is posted as a banner on the main MCAT website, with additional information on the Pearson VUE website.


GMAT test centers have been temporarily closed in several regions affected by coronavirus quarantines, with a full list available on the GMAT website. 


If your family has been affected by a COVID-19 school closure, Varsity Tutors is here for you. Register now for Virtual School Day, our free resource for parents, and enjoy access to live, online lessons and other K-12 learning resources.